Artisan Touches
Issue: July 20, 2021

The Second Impression

Artisans Touches
Wildwood is hand-crafted. In this edition of the Breeze, we’ll introduce you to one of the many artisans that have put a small but significant brushstroke onto the canvas of our resort.
“I’ve always loved working with wood and creating things. So, when a few years ago my body told me it was time to slow down, I decided to mix my love for art and design with my craft of woodworking. I had no idea that it would one day lead to seeing my wood creations proudly displayed at Wildwood and other great places across our state.” Shawn Hess was born and raised on the west coast of Washington and found his way here to Tennessee 28 years ago. He was a professional carpenter and worked for some of Nashville’s largest construction companies. Within one year of making Tennessee home, Shawn met the love of his life Wendy, settled into our community, and together they have a family of four.
The Difference
“There are many guys out there that can create similar wall art as I have, but to me, it’s more about the journey and not just the destination. When John (Deane) asked me to design a wooden piece of art for his new South Deck Pavilion we sat together and talked.” Shawn uses pencil and paper and old-school 1×1 grids and draws from his imagination as well as his conversation with his customers. “John visualized river driftwood and wanted a piece of art that included words to describe the experience of Wildwood’s new lakeside pavilion.” Shawn uses all hand tools and nothing computerized, so every creation is unique and no piece of his art is ever the same. A jigsaw in one hand, a piece of paper with his drawing in the other, and a few days later a Wildwood masterpiece is born.
There are currently two of Shawn’s designs at Wildwood and more to come. Come stroll through the woods and find his first creation in our Tiny Cabin Village and you’ll be amazed and asking for his number. We’ll save you a step or two. You can find Shawn and Wendy here.


Mark Your Summer Calendars
July 21 – 10:00 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new South Deck Pavilion
July 22, 29. Aug 5 – Thursdays this summer – Chef Chris’s All You Can Eat Catfish
July 23 – Guy Harden performing at Wildwood with Karaoki fun
July 24 – Caleb and Leann performing at Wildwood
July 31 – Clearview Bluegrass Band at Suttons
August 14- Newbird on the Water Summer Concert Series
August 14 – Chef Chris’s Low Country Shrimp Boil
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