The Need For a Retreat
Issue: April 27, 2021

A Retreat – 1. an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable
2. a place of privacy or safety
3. a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director
Wildwood is quickly becoming known for its unique setting along the banks of Cordell Hull Lake for corporate and group retreats. We continue to witness the changes that happen among companies as well as within groups and families after they dedicate time and gather for a retreat with one another. The results are so powerful and long-lasting that we decided it was time to have one for ourselves.

Learning How We Communicate
Wildwood hired Dennis Martodam of DM Works Consulting to be the facilitator and lead the core management team down pathways of discovery. For two full days, we were all invited to stay as Wildwood guests, and by having all of our meals catered by one of our catering partners our chef and kitchen manager could truly be in the moment with us too.
Through exercises and using the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment tools, Dennis helped teach how the 11 of us come into conversations and confrontations using different personality traits. This was such a huge eye-opener for us to understand how we communicate differently and from where we gather energy and strength.
Building Trust
Back to the Real World
Design Your Retreat
To learn more about how your business, church, non-profit organization or family can take advantage of this opportunity to be in solitude, to be out in nature, to discover the transformations that happen while in a retreat, please visit our website or contact Danyelle Bartow our events coordinator.
Mark Your Spring Calendars
April 24 – Stephanie Zarling performing at Wildwood
April 30 – Historic Granville Outdoor Dinner Theatre Production
April 30 – Guy Harden performing at Wildwood with Karaoki fun
May 1 – Cornbread and Moonshine Festival – Granville TN
May 1 – Amanda Jo Beard performing at Wildwood
May 7 – Guy Harden performing at Wildwood with Karaoki fun
May 8 – Newbird on the Water Concert Series Begins
(Free to guests staying two nights or more – Everyone must call to reserve seating)
May 9 – Mother’s day, Live Jazz Music, Special Mother’s Day Brunch
Check our Events Calendar for other May events
Other dates to keep in mind
Mid May – Full New Summer Menu by Chef Chris and new Restaurant Hours are unveiled
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